Sternwarte Sonneberg (temporary title)
Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth

Mediator - Frank Motz
Supporters - Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Fondation de France, Neue Auftraggeber e.V. Berlin
Sonneberg (Thuringia), Germany, 2010 -
The patrons asked for the development of an artistic concept for the observatory in Sonneberg (South of Thuringia) on the 638 m high mountain Erbisbühl and therefore an artistic extension of the existing structure to help to improve the public perception of the oberservatory.
Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth
The Hamburg artists Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth thematize with their projects the public space as a manifold given area of tension. Their works show an accurate sense of each encountered situation, whose structures they not only reveal with intensive research, participatory elements and artistic interventions, but also change actively.