Demain est un autre jour
Mathieu Lehanneur

Mediator - Jérôme Poggi (Societies)
Supporters - Fondation de France, Groupe hospitalier Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon, L'ANCRE, Carpenter Worksop Gallery, Maison Hermès, Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, Objet de production
Groupe Hospitalier Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon, Paris , 2009 - 2012
Beyond lavish medical care, the palliative care unit of Groupe Hospitalier Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon in Paris wish to support patients and theirs families with a psychological, indeed spiritual approach. Doctor Gilbert Desfosses, his team and the management have commissioned an artist tocreate a work that would embody this logic.
As part of the programme of New Patrons supported by Fondation de France, the comission was entrusted to designer Mathieu Lehanneur, who has conceived of an object for each room representing tomorrow's sky, using elements as trivial as poetic from a meteorological realm to adress the time left to live.
Initiated in 2009, the comission has been inaugurated on December 13th 2012, for the 10th anniversary of the Palliative Care Unit. Its prototype is kept in National Funds for Contemporary Art.